Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Camp Harmattan Work Day

If you were here last year for our work day you will remember the great time we had as we cleaned up the camp, hung light fixtures, built a woodshed, cleaned up lawns, campsites and buildings - and don’t forget the great food! This year will be just as much fun and we hope that you book off Saturday, May 2nd on your calendar as “Camp Harmattan Day.” We hope to get started at 9 AM and we’ll meet by the Tuck Shop on the Family Camp Side. After a cup of coffee, we’ll divide into work crews, and go to work. If you have rakes, shovels, etc. please bring them with you, as well as warm clothes, gloves and work boots. Lunch, snacks and supper will be provided for all the volunteers. If you, as a volunteer, wish to bring your RV for the entire camp cleanup weekend, camping fees will be waived. In case of inclement weather we will reschedule the event for May 23rd .

Joy Unger

Camp Harmattan
RR 2 Site 7 Box 20
Olds, AB T4H 1P3

Phone: 403-556-2854
Fax: 403-556-6063
Email: info@campharmattan.com
Website: www.campharmattan.com

Monday, April 20, 2009

Our Ability to Earn Money comes from God

You may say to yourselves, "I became wealthy because of my own ability and strength."
But remember the LORD your God is the one who makes you wealthy.
Deuteronomy 8:17-18 (GWT)

Once we start to accumulate wealth and "stuff," it’s quite easy to become enamored with ourselves and our "power and might." I think that this is especially true in a culture like ours today where we value independence and we stress that you can accomplish anything you want to by working hard. Of course, this is not unique to modern day culture. We see throughout the Old Testament where the Israelites repeatedly followed this pattern of being blessed materially by God and then forgetting that God was the source of their abundance. So try to remember today that even if you have worked hard for your accomplishments, it is still God who instilled you with your gifts, talents, and the drive and ability to work hard.