Friday, May 29, 2009



150 - Ambrose Circle
near corner of 69th Street + 17th Avenue SW

when W E D N E S D A Y J U N E 10, 2 0 0 9

time 8:30 a.m. - 9:00 p.m.

missionaries Dr. ANDY + JUDY BENNETT

Compassionate Ministries

Kristin Siggelkow - Ecuador
Matt + Kerri Burns - Kidztown


Thursday, May 28, 2009

DEBT got you.... DOWN

Debt reduction is not always an easy process - especially when you’re first starting out. Maybe you have a car loan that just can’t be shaken. Perhaps you have a mortgage that you think you’ll be comfortable paying for the next thirty years.

If you feel can’t get yourself to start the debt reduction process, you need to take some small steps toward building momentum today. Once you get that momentum, your task won’t seem so difficult - it’ll just be a normal part of your routine.

What small steps should you take?
  • Gather three months of expenditures to analyze your spending habits. By taking three months and averaging your expenditures, you will have effectively seen where you money naturally goes. Don’t have your old receipts? No problem! Just start today and in a few months (not that long from now) you’ll have the ammo to cut back unnecessary expenditures!
  • Keep a little card in your wallet by your cash that says, “Should I really be buying this?” This frugality card will serve as a constant reminder to think before you hand over your cash.
  • Find someone who can keep you accountable to the goals you’ve set out for yourself!
  • Use the envelope budgeting system. In our credit-infested world, it can be difficult at first to spend cash for variable expenses such as groceries and entertainment. However, spending cash is a very visual process that can curb overspending - which ensures you’ll have some money left over at the end of the month to throw at your debt.
  • Try something brand new. If your job has gotten you down and not bringing in much money, why not try something new? You know that side hobby you enjoy during your free time? Why not turn that into a business! It just might be the extra income you need in order to knock out that pesky credit card debt!
There’s no need to go to a debt reduction agency. If you want to eliminate your debt, you must create the momentum to do so yourself. Attack the root of your problem and don’t try silly shortcuts. You’ll feel uplifted when you pay off your first loan. You’ll feel better and have more peace of mind.

Are you ready to knock out debt? Need a friend to help? Ask Pastor Steve about "The Christian's Guide to Financial Freedom".

Money Saving Tip from "The Practical Nerd"

One of the hallmarks of being a Practical Nerd is the ability to legally get the most functionality out of your computer without having to pay an arm and a leg. But there are so many people I talk to out there that have no clue about most of these options.

A few great benefits that come with using these Practical Nerd Alternatives:
  • You will literally save hundreds of dollars in most cases.
  • About 98% of the general public will still retain all the functionality that they need, if not more.
  • You will, in most cases, be able to jump right into the program and know how to use it easily.
  • All of these options are perfectly fine to use, even if you are sharing files with someone who is using a more bloated program.
  • When these programs get updated with new features – you get them, without having to buy a whole new piece of software!
1. Your office program (word processing, spreadsheets, etc.).

Cooler People: Microsoft Office.

Microsoft Office is the standard-bearer in office products. Everybody has them, and they do fine work. But in 2007, Microsoft Office started messing around with what worked – they added a “ribbon” interface at the top, which looked really cool. The problem is, people who start using it have NO idea how to find anything! In addition, Microsoft Office is expensive.

Practical Nerds: replaces your Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. Functionality is simple, but loaded with plenty of features. You can use it to open Office documents – even those created in Office 2007, which Office 2003 can NOT do – and save in those same formats. So, if you need to swap files back and forth with someone using Office, there’s no problem!

... more tips from the Practical Nerd later...

Five First Grade Money Lessons that Many Adults Have Forgotten

1. Save money before buying something, if you don’t have the money, you don’t get it.

As the Proverb says, “The eyes of man are never satisfied.” We live in a nation where far too many people have forgotten how to say “NO”. We teach our kids to use a piggy bank, and when they have saved up enough, then they can go buy an ice cream cone.

2. It doesn’t matter what other kids are doing

I still remember hearing, “if your friends jumped off a bridge, would you follow them?” in response to my longing to do what my friends were doing. It seems that as adults we play into that crowd-think much like kids.

3. Money isn’t a right or privilege - it is compensation for hard work

My parents did a pretty good job of driving this point home to my thick skull. Like many, I was a lazy teenager that needed money and eventually figured out that by working I got more money. If I cut one lawn I would get $10, but if I cut two lawns I would get $20. It was a difficult concept to grasp, but I eventually got it!

“He who tills his land will have plenty of food, but he who follows empty pursuits will have poverty in plenty.” Proverbs 28:19

4. If it seems too good to be true - it probably is!

I remember on numerous occasions getting excited about an opportunity presented to me and running off to my Dad only to tell him about it. His healthy dose of skepticism saved me a lot of wasted time and energy. I notice that there is always an abundance of scams to prey off of people willing to fall for them.

5. You can be anything you want to be when you grow up

This is one that I forgot for while and am working on remembering again. I have a lot of other things that I want to do while I am on this earth, so I am working to fight off self-limiting thoughts. Life is too short to do something you don’t enjoy for all of it! God didn’t create us to spend 40 years in a job we hate! He has a better purpose and plan for our lives - but it requires our following after Him!

- from Christian Personal Finance

What is Your Purpose?

"Money without purpose is just money. However, money with a purpose can be used to change the world. It feeds the poor, builds shelters, and changes lives and souls for the kingdom of God. Money with a godly purpose can be revolutionary.

If you desire money solely for material things, you will never be content. Many of the happiest and most successful people in the world have found their purpose in life. They know exactly what money can do to help their families and help others. If you had more money what would you do with it? Who would you help? What would your days, weeks, and months look like? Unless you can envision how you will use money to better the lives of others, no amount of money will fill you up. It is only Christ’s love that fills the void in your life. As you grow closer to Him, He will help you find your purpose — your unique calling.

What are you on earth for? Millions have read Rick Warren’s Purpose-Driven Life and found a sense of purpose. Have you found purpose in a certain career, position, or situation? What is God calling you to do?"

- from Jay Peroni, author of The Faith-Based Millionaire.

Where is Your Passion?

"Why do so many people have trouble finding their passion? Often it is so far beneath the surface that it is out of sight and out of mind. If you have a relationship with Jesus, are you passionate about Him? Money tends to be the primary motivating factor for many as they choose a profession, but most would not identify money as their true passion.

God has instilled a passion within you. He has programmed within you a desire to participate in activities that are natural, rewarding, and fulfilling. Some find these early on. Others never truly discover their passion. Almost every successful person I have met found a way to consistently tap into his or her passion. Once they found a way, they also discovered how to earn a living through it.

If you discover what your interests and passions are, you will always be far more successful than if you just go through the motions."

- from Jay Peroni, author of The Faith-Based Millionaire.


"It is important to begin taking action. Your financial plan starts when you clarify your priorities.

Whether you want to save for a new home, start a new business, send children or grandchildren off to college, fund a ministry, or plan for retirement, planning is a key to success.

To get started, write down what you want to accomplish in order of importance. Once your list is prioritized, start right away with the first goal or accomplishment on your list. What will it take for you to realize this accomplishment? Keep focused on your goal and work toward your desired outcome until it is complete.

Once this goal is completed, start the process again with the second priority on your list, then the third, fourth, fifth, and so on. It does not matter if you are not able to do everything within a prescheduled pe­riod of time. However, what is important is that you decide the relative importance of the things you want to complete and are decisive about your priorities. List your priorities in a daily planner and strive to follow them.

It takes action on your part to make a difference. You may be in over your head in debt, or don’t make enough income, or have another reason as to why you cannot save or invest. But remember, where there is a will, there is a way."

- from Jay Peroni, author of The Faith-Based Millionaire.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Tithing Alone Does Not Bring Financial Freedom

The following is a guest post from Steven Toschlog who works as an accountant in Richmond, Indiana.

You’ve just put your tithes into the offering plate. Now, getting out of the financial mess you’re in is all up to God. Right? Luke 6:38 - “Give and it will be given to you…” (NIV) You say, “Surely God will keep His Word and cause more money to come my way. The ball is in God’s court because I’ve done my part. I’m going to be patient and wait on God. I will not lose faith because I know being a tither will get me out of this jam.”

The perception exists that tithing (giving 10% of your income to your local church) is the only thing God requires of us before pouring out financial blessings. The bible does promise a reward for tithing. Malachi 3:10 - “Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this,” says the Lord Almighty, “and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that you will not have room enough for it.” (NIV) The truth, however, is that tithing is just the beginning.

It’s a team effort. You will receive financial freedom not because God did it all but because you did your part as well.You ask, “What is my part?” James 2:17 - “…faith by itself, if it is not accompanied by action, is dead.” (NIV) This is where many tithers fall short. They give their tithes, but then go sit to watch God do something miraculous. While God certainly can bring a miracle in the form of unexpected income, He usually does not cause a large check to show up in your mailbox just because you threw 10% (or more) into the plate. God usually brings extra income by opening up doors for better employment, additional education, skill development, or even revealing areas where your spending has been out of control. Tithing is your act of faith, but God expects you to put some action with your faith by walking through the open doors that He provides.

The most critical action required in order to score is this: Properly manage the other 90% through the use of a monthly spending plan. Utilizing a spending plan for what you already have shows God you have a plan for handling the resources He provides. It’s the most tangible way to put action with your faith and results in God entrusting you with more. In the parable of the talents, the master praises two servants for how well they managed the resources entrusted to them. Matthew 25:21, 23 - “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things.” (NIV)

God will not do your part for you. It’s your responsibility to put in the employment application, work hard, cut out unnecessary spending, and live on a budget (and stick to it). This is how tithers win the game of financial freedom by working pro-actively with God as a team to better their situation. Tithing alone will not get the job done, but it is a necessary first step. If you’re not tithing, start IMMEDIATELY.

Afterwards, don’t become a spectator. Do YOUR part to make financial freedom a reality. You may not be waiting on God after all. He may be waiting on you to put some action with your faith.


Rick and Kathleen Gibson are to be featured on 100 Huntley Street on June 29.

They will have the opportunity to talk about their journey through Ricks disease and the life and faith lessons learned.


Kathleen Gibson book West Nile Diary, is now out and available for purchase. It is a collection of her diarized thoughts and observations about Rick’s struggle back from his debilitating struggle with West Nile disease. Copies will be available at District Assembly – or order on-line from – online cost is $17.94.

Bonnie Grove has two books now available for purchase on-line. From Beacon Hill publishers her book: Your Best You: Discovering and Developing the Strengths God Gave You. And soon to be available her fictional book: Talking to the Dead from David C. Cook Publishing.

Both books are available on-line at; or

Friday, May 1, 2009

Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations

General Superintendent Jesse C. Middendorf has written a letter to Nazarenes around the world in anticipation of the General Assembly and Conventions in Orlando, Florida, June 24 - July 3.

"Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations" is the theme of the 27th General Assembly and Conventions of the Church of the Nazarene. Gathering in Orlando from around the world, delegates and visitors to the General Assembly will celebrate the accomplishments of the past four years. We have been "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations."

In the four years since our last global gathering, God has helped the Church of the Nazarene to make some of the most astounding gains in our entire history. We have seen thousands of churches planted. Hundreds of thousands of people have joined our fellowship as new believers. New pastors, evangelists, missionaries, and teachers have entered the work of the Church of the Nazarene on every inhabited continent and on the scattered islands of the seas.

We gather to celebrate and report. We join our voices in praise, and we lift our hands in adoration and worship as we hear the stories and see the faces of new Christians flooding into the kingdom of God.

We have been "Making Christlike Disciples in the Nations." That is why we are coming together in Orlando. It is a time of accountability. It is a time of remembrance. It is a time for evaluation and examination.

We have been doing this work through God's enabling power!

But the work is not yet finished, and it will not be finished until He comes! So, from Orlando we will scatter to the four winds. We will move as one people into our second century, praising God for what has been done, and committing ourselves to the task ahead of us. We will go out "To Make Christlike Disciples in the Nations!"

Jesse C. Middendorf
April 30, 2009