The following guest post was written by Mark who regularly writes for
The world would be a much better place if everyone applied biblical principles to their everyday lives. The Bible teaches foundational principles that help develop holistic individuals. You can improve your spiritual, mental, physical, and emotional life by living by the Bible’s time tested truths. Did you know that the Bible also has great advice that you can apply to your money matters? There are over 800 scriptures that address the topic of money (here are 250 of them). From getting out of debt to saving money, the Bible has a solution for getting your financial house in order.
Lets’ take a look at a few principles talked about in the Bible that can help you improve your financial life.
1. Sowing and Reaping
Galatians 6:7 “Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.”
Sowing and reaping is a biblical principle that was established back during Old Testamentary times. It’s an agricultural fact. If you plant and cultivate a seed then you will reap a harvest from it. Whatever you sow, you will reap. This principle applies to thoughts, actions, attitudes, and habits. If you sow kindness and goodness then you shall reap likewise. So, how can you apply this to your financial life? Plant seeds for your financial future. Aim to be a liberal giver and tither. Sow seeds of generosity. Donate to causes that help others and you will reap in ways that you never thought possible.
2. Being a Good Steward
Matthew 25:21 “Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master’s happiness!”
The Bible discusses that you shall give an account over everything that God has placed under your charge. Are you make effective use of all of the talents that God has given to you? Are you a good financial steward? You should be a wise steward over all of your financial matters. Save for the future and maximize the income that God has provided you with. Do not frivolously just throw money away on entertainment and unneeded luxuries. If you are a good steward over whatever God has given you, then you are proving that you can be trusted with additional resources.
3. Living Debt Free
Deuteronomy 15:1 “At the end of every seven years thou shalt make a release.”
Debt is an albatross around the neck of many individuals. This may be the reason that Christ specifically taught that you show owe no man anything. The Bible gives the principles to living a debt free life. If you live a life unconcerned with the materialistic cares of this world, then you will not go leveraging yourself up just to fit in with society. For those that did get into debt, their debt was forgiven every 7 years. Every 50 years property would revert back to its rightful owner. Today, companies seek legal judgments to keep people enslaved in debt forever. Wouldn’t this be a good teaching to apply in our society at a time when so many people are losing their homes to foreclosure and buried under a mountain of debt?
4. Saving For The Future
Proverbs 6:6-8 “Go to the ant, O sluggard, observe her ways and be wise, which, having no chief, officer or ruler, prepares her food in the summer and gathers her provision in the harvest.”
Solomon’s proverb advises the wise to save their provisions. You need to store up and save money so that you can survive when the lean times come. In the Old Testament, Joseph gathered up all of the grains in Egypt so that he and his house could survive the famine. His foresight allowed the entire land of Egypt to survive and flourish after the famine was over. Emergency savings accounts and retirement accounts are great vehicles to help you survive times when the lean times come.
Remember that money is a tool to be used to help improve the lives of others. It is not something to hoard for yourself o that only you alone will benefit from it. As you prosper in every area of life, you should give back to ensure that others can share in the blessings that God has given to you.