Friday, February 27, 2009

"Your Best You" by Bonnie Grove

Have you ever tried to change something about yourself but had a hard time making it stick? If so, Bonnie Grove knows how you feel. The problem, she explains, is that when it comes to self-improvement, most of us start by asking ourselves the wrong questions.

Instead of, What are my weaknesses? How can I fix them? we should be asking, What are my strengths? How can I build on them?

This book is not a one-size-fits-all approach to lifestyle change. It doesn’t offer a ten-step formula or a one-minute prayer that guarantees success in 30 days.

This book is about you. It’s about discovering and developing what you do well, what you love, and what brings you joy so you can see yourself the way God sees youand begin to truly receive His best for your life.

Unlike some self-improvement books, you won’t be asked to:

* spend time digging around in the past
* put your problems under a microscope
* try and fix everything that’s “broken” in your life
* improve on things you’re not very good at

Instead, the author gives you tools and resources to help you:

* discover what you’re good at—not what you think you should be good at
* develop your strengths and use them to offset your weaknesses
* learn to recognize your true goals
* create a personalized map to follow as you begin your journey to becoming your best you

Available March 1, 2009 at bookstores everywhere.

Pre-order/online order at: Barnes & Noble,,,

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