Should you pursue a new relationship? What if you get involved in a new relationship prematurely? How can you avoid making wrong choices? We will explore the answers to these questions over the next several days.
Perhaps you are already in a new relationship or are interested in pursuing one. Maybe you feel you never want to be in another relationship again.
This range of feelings is normal; however, statistics show that approximately 75 percent of people who have been through divorce will someday remarry, and the majority of those second marriages will end in divorce.
Juana shares how she chose to wait and not jump ahead of God's plan for her life. She says, "My life was still in turmoil, and I did not know the answers, but I knew the One who knew the answers. I was willing to wait for whatever God had for me. I waited actively to see what God was going to do with my life. A couple from church mentored and discipled me for fifteen months, and I began to grow in my faith and to learn the Bible. I would come home from work and read my Bible, and I would love it. It was a special time."
In making all decisions of life, the first place to start is by praying and finding out what the Bible says about that particular situation. Your goal should be to see your circumstances from God's perspective and not your own limited view.
"I have set the LORD always before me. Because he is at my right hand, I will not be shaken" (Psalm 16:8).
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