Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Training Your Children

"Single parents need to get their hands on resources that will help them learn. There are some things a child needs to know," says Dr. Bob Barnes.

But, he warns, "Don't try to do everything at once. You can make yourself feel horribly guilty if you read a book and think, 'Man, there are lots of things my child needs to know, and I'm not teaching any of them.' And then you do nothing because you can't do them all. Just do one thing at a time."

Train up your children one step at a time and with clearly defined goals. List some specific things that you would like your children to learn, to accomplish, and to take with them into their adult lives; think of spiritual, emotional, physical, educational, relational, and financial goals. After you have listed these areas to work on, prioritize your list and come up with practical steps to help you and your children achieve each goal. For example, if you would like to help your children grow spiritually, you could decide to read the Bible with your child. Plan these devotions to occur at a regular time each week or month. What is important is that you stick with it once you begin.

"Train up a child in the way he should go. Even when he is old he will not depart from it" (Proverbs 22:6 NASB).

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