Anger and bitterness are consequences of loneliness. The longer you are lonely and the longer you separate yourself emotionally from other people, the greater the chance for negative emotions to build up inside you.
"Life was very empty feeling, very lonely," says Kim. "I had a sense of being lost, not being a part of something, and it was difficult. I was angry. I was bitter. It was building up inside of me."
Joanne says, "My ex-husband and I had to face each other every day. We worked together. We owned a business together. It was in front of me day after day, and the anger I felt had to be controlled, which I'm not real good at doing."
Take action to remedy your loneliness before the anger, bitterness, and other negative emotions become overwhelming.
Angie feels her loneliness most deeply at the end of the day, and she turns to God through Bible reading and prayer for healing and relief. "I deal with my loneliness by turning to God because He's there," says Angie. "He would never leave me or forsake me. He's my friend. He's my Father."
Another suggestion is to attend a Christ-centered divorce recovery support group, such as DivorceCare®. This group will teach you how to grow closer to God in your pain and will help you learn His purpose for your life. It will also provide you with a network of friends who will help you sort through your emotions and identify your needs.
"A sound mind makes for a robust body, but runaway emotions corrode the bones" (Proverbs 14:30 Msg).
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