Sunday, January 24, 2010


"Loneliness rarely occurs when everything is going just right," says Dr. Les Carter. "When you go through experiences of loneliness, invariably you're going to begin looking inward, thinking, 'Did I do something to set this up? Should I have acted differently? Is there something wrong with me?' Questions like that can crop up, and the result of this self-doubt can be guilt."

Recognize your feelings of guilt as by-products of loneliness. Your guilty feelings may have no other basis than that. Bring those harmful feelings and questions to God. He will take your burden. Trust Him in this.

"When I was first divorced," says Elsa Kok, "I was feeling broken, worthless, and disappointed in myself. People would say, 'Elsa, God loves you.' And I would say, 'Whatever.' I didn't buy it. Not at all.

"Moving away from that attitude is a process. Be assured that God does not despise broken people. He knows you're broken. He knows you're going to make wrong choices. What delights Him is when you come to Him with your hurts and poor choices because He can do something about them.

"When you come to Him, He thinks, I'm so happy to see you. You are an amazing child of mine. I have handcrafted you. I have given you gifts you haven't even begun to explore yet. I have a hope and a future for you. You'll be so glad you came to Me. This will be a choice you will never regret."

God is never ashamed of you. He loves you and wants to relieve you of your heavy load.

"Praise be to the Lord, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens" (Psalm 68:19).

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