Mankind was created to be in a right relationship with God, but because we chose to go our own way instead of God's—thus sinning—we can no longer enjoy that right relationship except through Jesus Christ. Our souls long to be in fellowship with our Creator, but our thoughts and feelings often pull us in the opposite direction, to a more self-centered focus.
"Part of the problem of loneliness is a spiritual problem," says Dr. Les Carter. "Every one of us begins life as a sinner, and as a result we are reminded daily that we're not completely linked up with God. One of the major causes of loneliness can stem from not being connected with God the way you want to be."
James says, "One of the greatest tactics from Satan is that he wants you to doubt God, and he'll try to make you think that loneliness means God is not there for you. If he can make you doubt God's ability to take care of you, and you start reacting to the situation in your own strength, then Satan has won the battle. God is the only answer through the whole thing. If you seek to glorify God and not glorify yourself, then you'll win."
All people were created by God and for God. Our loneliness can only be filled when we are in a relationship with Him through Jesus Christ.
"So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God" (1 Corinthians 10:31).
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